
"As centers of hope and transformation, local churches help people live into a new way of life." - Doris Powell

Please know all are welcome to join us at Evangelical for our worship and activities.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School for All Ages

10:00 a.m. - Worship - Sermon: "Generosity is Contagious"

Rev. John Krueger, our Guest Steward, will be preaching during worship. We will also be receiving and dedicating our giving cards as we respond in thanksgiving to God for all of God's gifts to us.

11:15 a.m. - Stewardship Celebration Brunch

Up Coming Events and Opportunities

Work Camp Opportunity - We will be joining with others in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference during the week of May 31 to help people in Johnson county, IN who have ongoing needs from last year's flooding.
Vacation Bible School - VBS will be held June 16-18, with an optional Friday night sleep over. This year we will be exploring three parables. We will begin each evening with a meal at 6:00 p.m.
Community Meal - On June 27 Evangelical will be providing a meal for anyone who would like to come. Please watch for details. Invite friends, neighbors, and family for this time of nourishment.

Evangelical Evening Out - Our next time together will be on July 24 for a trip to the Dutch Mill in Milroy. Please meet at Evangelical at 5:45 to carpool. We had a wonderful time at the last Evangelical Evening Out and hope even more people will be able to join us for this one. Again, a good opportunity to invite others.

We move in the hope...
that God will provide us with light according to our need,
guidance according to the demands of the time,
and strength to the requirements of every situation.
Our hope is that we may keep ourselves enough out of the way that God can move in and find us useable instruments for doing [God's] will.
--Fred Hoskins, "A Union of Hope," Uniting General Synod, 1957

Here is the Steeple...

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